✨ Fresh look ✨

✨ Fresh look ✨

We have implemented new working clothes by December 2024. 🎉 With a clear color concept, we ensure a modern look. The new designs combine functionality, comfort and style and meet the latest HACCP requirements.


Many thanks to everyone involved in this project! 💡🙏

We are delighted to be supporting this development together - in the truest sense of the word. 😊


#teamwork #innovation #workwear #wemakethedifference

📍 A look behind the scenes at Schweizer Zucker AG in Aarberg

📍 A look behind the scenes at Schweizer Zucker AG in Aarberg

At the end of November, the Fortisa AG management team had the exciting opportunity to find out more about the production and utilization of Swiss sugar beet. 🌱

We are impressed by the innovative strength and sustainability behind every step of the process:

✅ Versatile products: The beets are used to produce animal feed, biogas and natural fertilizers, among other things.

✅ Efficient use of resources: Even the soil that sticks to the beets is processed by RICOTER Erdaufbereitung AG into high-quality plant soil.

✅ More sustainable than EU sugar: Thanks to comprehensive recycling and local production, Swiss sugar is 30% more sustainable than its EU counterpart.


Many thanks to Christian Klossner and Jürg Burkhalter for the insights into this impressive value chain! 👏


#sustainability #innovation #swisssugar #fortisa #ecobalance

🚀 Future Day 2024 - A day full of exciting insights! 🚀

🚀 Future Day 2024 - A day full of exciting insights! 🚀

On today's Future Day 2024, we once again had exciting experiences with our young guests in collaboration with McDonald's Zuchwil. Eight children visited us to gain an insight into our day-to-day work. The day began with a tour of our production facilities, where the children were able to experience first-hand how we bake our small rolls on a grand scale. A special highlight was that they were allowed to bake something themselves. 😊


At lunchtime, we went to McDonald's together, where we not only had a snack, but also an interesting look behind the scenes of the restaurant. There, the children were able to see what it means to work in the catering sector.


Many thanks at this point to McDonald's Zuchwil for the great cooperation and for making this exciting program possible. The day ended with a final quiz at McDonald's, where the children were able to test their newly acquired knowledge.


#futureday #teamwork #insights #mcdonaldszuchwil

🍬 Why we chose IP-SUISSE sugar 🍬

🍬 Why we chose IP-SUISSE sugar 🍬

At Fortisa, we focus on quality and sustainability - and this also applies to our sugar! By deciding to use IP-SUISSE sugar, we have taken a further step towards environmentally friendly production.


What makes IP-SUISSE sugar special?

•    High-quality raw materials: IP-SUISSE sugar comes from controlled, sustainable agriculture that adheres to the highest standards in terms of quality and environmental protection.

•    Environmentally friendly cultivation methods: Farmers refrain from using insecticides and fungicides, promote biodiversity with targeted measures and protect the climate.

•    Supporting local agriculture: By choosing IP-SUISSE sugar, we not only strengthen the local economy, but also build confidence in sustainable farming practices.


We believe that every step we take towards sustainability counts. With IP-SUISSE Sugar, we are setting an example for responsible consumption and environmentally friendly products.


Together for a sweeter and more sustainable future! 🌱✨


#ipsuissezucker #sustainability #fortisa #environmentallyconscious #regionaleconomy

🚀 Moving forward together - success through teamwork! 🚀

🚀 Moving forward together - success through teamwork! 🚀

In mid-September, we had an inspiring workshop lasting several days, which impressively demonstrated how much potential we have as a team. 🌟 We contributed our individual strengths - whether it was baking güetzi together, developing creative ideas or setting the course for future success.


What we learned once again: Teamwork is the key. Only together can we achieve the best results and support each other on the road to success. 💪


We, Fortisa’s leadership team, are looking forward to taking this momentum into the next projects and are excited to see what else we can achieve as a team. 🚀


#teamwork #innovation #success #strongtogether #leadership #fortisa

Clean-Up-Day 2024 🌱 🌍 🚯

Clean-Up-Day 2024 🌱 🌍 🚯

The Fortisa team joined forces with McDonald's Switzerland in Solothurn today to mark the nationwide Clean-Up Day.

Our common goal was to send a strong signal against littering and to make the city cleaner. Through such committed measures, we are raising awareness of environmental protection and showing that every contribution counts.


#cleanupday #igsu #mcdonalds #fortisa #environmental protection #littering #strong together

Cool refreshment for our employees 🍦

Cool refreshment for our employees 🍦

To thank our employees for their daily efforts and tireless commitment - especially in these hot summer months - we have organized a refreshing surprise: Delicious ice cream from Kalte Lust in Olten. 😋


We are proud of our team and greatly appreciate their commitment. Together we live our values: respect, fairness, trust and care.


A big thank you to everyone who gives their best every day! 🙌


#teamspirit #thanks #ice time #appreciation #refreshment #regional

🌿 Sustainability by conviction 🌿

🌿 Sustainability by conviction 🌿

At Fortisa, we have been focusing on sustainable raw materials and production for almost 30 years. we recognized the importance of environmentally friendly agriculture back in 1996 and introduced IP-Suisse wheat into our production.


IP-Suisse farmers are committed to strict guidelines for soil and plant protection: avoiding fungicides and insecticides and using moderate fertilization promote biodiversity and a respectful approach to nature.


2023, we took the next step out of conviction and are now also sourcing our sugar in IP-Suisse quality. This underlines our commitment to sustainable regenerative farming.


As Fortisa, we have been a reliable partner since the beginning of the IP-Suisse program and thus make a significant contribution to environmentally friendly production.


#sustainability #ipsuisse #environmental protection #biodiversity #agriculture

40 years of partnership between Fortisa and McDonald's

40 years of partnership between Fortisa and McDonald's

Yesterday we celebrated “40 years of partnership with McDonald's” together with McDonald's and its suppliers on the Weissenstein. This exceptional collaboration is based on shared values, trust and the relentless pursuit of excellence. This long-term orientation commits us to common goals, shared responsibility for partner suppliers and respectful cooperation. We are proud to be able to make a bold contribution to the successful further development of the McDonald's system and the bakery category.


We would like to thank you for the many years of trust, the friendly and challenging collaboration and look forward to continuing this success story.


A big thank you to everyone who celebrated this special event with us.


#fortisa #mcdonald's #anniversary #partnership #collaboration #milestone

Today is the official Food Safety Day 🎉

Today is the official Food Safety Day 🎉

This year we would like to introduce you to this year's Food Safety Superheroes: Hasan Aydin and Sathiyaseelan Nadesan. 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️


Hasan and Sathiyaseelan received the most votes in an internal survey in production and were therefore named Fortisa's Food Safety Superheroes. Their many years of exemplary work in the area of food safety as well as their tireless commitment and trained eye set high standards and make us proud to have them on the team.


Thank you very much for your outstanding work and commitment! 👏


#foodsafety #superheroes #thanks #teamwork

Ready, steady and go 🚴‍♀️ 💪

Ready, steady and go 🚴‍♀️ 💪

We were still waiting for the nice weather 😉; today we are starting the Bike to work 2024 challenge. At least 4 teams will be pedaling for Fortisa in June, doing something for their health and for our environment at the same time. We wish all participants a good and safe ride and, above all, lots of fun in the Bike to Work Challenge 2024!


#fortisa #biketowork #teamspirit #sustainability #health

Grupo Bimbo CEO visits Fortisa

Grupo Bimbo CEO visits Fortisa

We are proud to have had the opportunity today to welcome the newly appointed CEO of Grupo Bimbo, Rafael Pamias, as well as other members of the Grupo Bimbo management team Mark Bendix (VP BBU / BQ), Natasha Galavotti (President Bimbo QSR), Pablo Garrido (VP BQ EMEA).


It was a pleasure to present our work processes, our passion for the highest quality and innovation and to give them an insight into the heart of our production.


#fortisa #grupobimbo #partner #collaboration #pride

Solar power from the Fortisa roof

Solar power from the Fortisa roof

We are proud of our latest investment: since December last year, we have been producing our own solar power on a 700m² area, thanks to the PV system from Helion Energy AG.

All the electricity generated flows directly into our business, covering around 7-10% of our total energy consumption. With an output of 147 kWp and an annual production of 164,900 kWh, we are making an active contribution to CO2 reduction and thus actively helping to shape a sustainable future.

We are grateful for the sunny days that make our system even more efficient.


#sustainability #solar power #environmental protection #renewable energy #fortisa

International Women's Day

International Women's Day

On the occasion of today's International Women's Day, our management team met to discuss diversity, with a focus on women in the workplace and how we as an employer can contribute to greater diversity.

We strongly believes that diversity has a positive impact on collaboration, performance and team spirit. We are committed to diversity and strive for a high level of gender diversity in all teams.


#fortisa #womansday #diversity #cooperation #teamspirit

Safety in the workplace is our top priority

Safety in the workplace is our top priority

We take various measures to prevent accidents and illnesses and raise awareness among our associates. This includes distributing flyers on health protection, providing regular safety training, ensuring correct use of protective equipment, and reporting potential sources of danger.


Our motto is 'Safety First', which reflects our commitment to making safety a way of life.


#fortisa #worksafety #healthprotection #safetyfirst #suva #bfu

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Our Bun Configurator can be used to create not only the Valentine's Day bun, but also many other creations.


Try it yourself and design your own unique bun.


Fortisa Configurator


#fortisa #bun #configurator #creative #valentinesday

Visiting Zuchwil

Visiting Zuchwil

Today we had the pleasure of welcoming the management of McDonald's Switzerland, led by Lara Skripitsky, to Fortisa. A great partnership for 40 years.

Many thanks for the good cooperation.


#fortisa #mcdonalds #partner #collaboration #pride

New dough sheeting line is ready for operation

The new dough sheeting line has been installed and put into operation in recent weeks. This investment enables us to increase our product range, further improve productivity and product quality. We would like to thank the companies RONDO Burgdorf AG, Mechtop AG and Meyma GmbH for the work they have done and the great cooperation.


#fortisa #rondo #mechtop #meyma #bun #teigbandlinie

Small but important steps towards plastic reduction

Small but important steps towards plastic reduction

Thank you to Dusan Mirkovic (Havi) and Jonny Schneeberger (Fortisa) for the idea, conception and implementation of this simple but effective measure to reduce plastic. By replacing the plastic films with reusable straps, more than 3 tons of plastic are saved per year.


#fortisa #havischweiz #zusammenarbeit #nachhaltigkeit #plastikreduktion

Future Day 2023

Future Day 2023

Today was all about the children. Together with McDonald's Zuchwil, fourteen children were given an insight into the production of our buns and how a burger is made. Of course, they also got to bite into a tasty burger.


#fortisa #mcdonalds #partnerschaft #zukunftstag

Taten statt Worte: Clean up day 2023 organisiert durch McDonald’s Schweiz und IG

Taten statt Worte: Clean up day 2023 organisiert durch McDonald’s Schweiz und IG

Zusammen IGSU, McDonald’s, Lieferanten sowie vielen anderen Freiwilligen haben Dusica Mirkovic, Yvonne Hersperger und Vincent Lebet am vergangenen Samstag die Schweizer Städte Zürich, Bern und Luzern ein bisschen sauberer gemacht. Es war ein super Anlass mit vielen motivierten Menschen; herzlichen Dank für das Engagement für unsere Umwelt.


#fortisa #mcdonalds #havi #frigemo #emmi #bell #nachhaltigkeit #cleanupday2023 #tatenstattworte

Hallo, ich bin Eltijon Robeli und bin 15 Jahre alt.

Hallo, ich bin Eltijon Robeli und bin 15 Jahre alt.

Anfangs August 2023 habe ich meine Lehre als Kaufmann EFZ bei der wundervollen Firma Fortisa AG begonnen. Mein Hobby ist Fussball spielen und ich liebe es zu schlafen. :) Weiter verbringe ich gerne Zeit mit meiner Familie und meinen Freunden. Ich habe meine Lehre hier angefangen, weil die Arbeit hier abwechslungsreich und spannend ist. Das Team ist sehr freundlich, lustig und immer hilfsbereit. Auf die kommenden drei Jahre meiner Ausbildung freue ich mich sehr.


#fortisa #ausbildung #lehrstelle #kaufmann #zukunft

Ganz im Sinne der Diversität…

Ganz im Sinne der Diversität…

…feiern wir jedes Jahr einen Feiertag aus einer anderen Nation. In diesem Jahr nehmen wir den Schweizer Nationalfeiertag, den 1. August, zum Anlass, unseren Mitarbeitenden ein Schweizer Käsefondue aus der Dorfkäserei in Koppigen als ein kleines Dankeschön für ihren täglichen Einsatz zu überreichen.


#diversität #fortisa #multikulti #mitarbeitende #dankeschön

Uns liegt die Aus- und Weiterbildung unserer Mitarbeitenden am Herzen.

Uns liegt die Aus- und Weiterbildung unserer Mitarbeitenden am Herzen.

Wir gratulieren Florentin Mustafa (Kaufmann EFZ), Arsim Sopi (Anlageführer EFZ), Yvonne Hersperger (dipl. Personalleiterin NDS HF) und Yvonne Gast (St. Galler General Management Diplom) zur bestandenen Prüfung. Ihr macht die Fortisa besser und wertvoller. (v.l.) Arsim S., Yvonne G., Florentin M., Yvonne H.

Danke, wir sind stolz auf euch.

#fortisa #bun #mitarbeitende #weiterbildung #ausbildung

Nordwestschweizer Schwingfest Deitingen

Gemeinsam für die Region.

Food Safety Week 05.06. to 09.06.2023

To mark the Food Safety Week, we asked our employees what food safety means to them.

Renowned visitor at Fortisa AG

Renowned visitor at Fortisa AG

We are proud to welcome Warren Anderson (Corporate Senior Vice President at McDonald's) and the Supply Chain Team of McDonald's Switzerland at Fortisa today.

On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to visit the farm the Hubacher and Messer family in Kirchlindach BE and got a deep insight into the cultivation methods of IP-Suisse for regenerative agriculture. The Fortisa team is proud to use IP-Suisse wheat in McDonald's buns.

#fortisa #mcdonalds #partner #ipsuisse #sustainability #swissflour #wheat #regenerativeagriculture

Der angesagte Dinkel Bun.

Dinkel ist eine alte Getreidesorte, die in den letzten Jahren immer beliebter geworden ist. Sie gilt als gesünder und ressourcenschonender, da sie eine hohe Verträglichkeit aufweist (auch bei Glutenunverträglichkeit) und der Anbau von Dinkel weniger Dünger sowie Pestizide benötigt als herkömmlicher Weizen. Zudem haben Dinkelbrote einen angenehm nussigen Geschmack sowie eine leichte, lockere Textur.

Auch zu finden im Configurator hier.


McDonald's delegation visits Zuchwil

McDonald's delegation visits Zuchwil

Today we had the pleasure to welcome the IOM (International Operating Market) Leadership Team of Paul Pomroy and the management of McDonald's Switzerland at Fortisa.

We thank them for their trust and the good cooperation.

We are aware of our responsibility for the environment.

Our climatization systems are powered with proane and CO2. So we use natural refrigerants  for all our cooling pruposes.

Vegan, nicht nur im VEGANUARY - Das neue vegane Fortisa Weggli

Das vegane Weggli, ideal für alle die auf tierische Produkte, nicht aber auf das volle Geschmacks-Erlebnisses eines Wegglis verzichten möchten. Die perfekte Basis für ein veganes Sandwich.

Auch zu finden im Configurator hier.

Patrick Zbinden unser persönlicher Fotograf.

Patrick Zbinden unser persönlicher Fotograf.

Seit 3 Jahren gehört Patrick zum Team Verkaufsinnendienst und nutzt sein Talent um unsere Buns ins richtige Licht zu setzen.

Zukunftstag 2022

Zukunftstag 2022

McDonald's Zuchwil und Fortisa AG haben den heutigen Zukunftstag gemeinsam durchgeführt: zwölf Kinder waren begeistert zu erfahren, wie Buns produziert werden und wie damit ein saftiger Burger entsteht.

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali

Andere Kulturen und Traditionen = andere Feiertage

Wir feiern heute (24.10.2022) zusammen mit unseren Mitarbeitenden aus Sri Lanka das Lichterfest Diwali, ein bedeutendes, mehrtägiges Fest in Indien, Sri Lanka, Nepal und in anderen vom Hinduismus geprägten Ländern.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch

Herzlichen Glückwunsch

Unsere Mitarbeiter:innen wollen hoch hinaus...

Wir gratulieren Ayan (Anlageführer EFZ), Dogan (Prozessfachmann) und Denise (Doktortitel) zur bestandenen Prüfung; wir sind stolz auf euch! (v.l.) Denise Müller, Ayan Yönten, Dogan Ciftci


Fabrizio Banz, unser neuer Key Account Manager

Fabrizio Banz, unser neuer Key Account Manager

«Ich bin erfolgreich im Fortisa-Team angekommen und freue mich auf partnerschaftliche Projekte mit unseren Kunden».


Bis zu 30000 Burgerbrötchen – pro Stunde

Bis zu 30000 Burgerbrötchen – pro Stunde

Seit 1991 bäckt die Fortisa Burgerbrötchen für McDonald's Schweiz. Die grösste Herausforderung: Millionen von Buns in konstanter Qualität und Präzision zu produzieren.

Bericht foodaktuell
Fortisa family event 2022

Fortisa family event 2022

Our annual Fortisa family event took place last Saturday at Christian von Ins in Oberbipp. In addition to a delicious barbecue, we enjoyed a guided tour of the farm and learned a lot about the clever pigs. A successful event for young and old!

Christian von Ins is our long-time partner for the sustainable reuse of bread that cannot be sold. We were able to see live how, thanks to this cooperation, valuable feed for IP Suisse pigs is created from discarded buns.

A big thank you to Christian for his hospitality and the exciting insight into his business!

Fortisa in der Solothurner Zeitung

Fortisa in der Solothurner Zeitung

Wer in einen Burger von McDonald's beisst, isst immer auch ein Brötchen, das in Zuchwil produziert wurde

Artikel Solothurner Zeitung
Fortisa Bun Baking Workshop

Fortisa Bun Baking Workshop

250 restaurant managers from McDonald's Switzerland experience how challenging it is to produce perfect buns (Baden, March 2022).

Fortisa meets science

Fortisa meets science

We are proud to have successfully published our recently completed research project.

Es het mi gfröit

Es het mi gfröit

Meine drei Wünsche für Fortisa AG:

Bleibt frisch frech und einzigartig in der Schweiz

Viel Erfolg und Spass meinem Nachfolger Fabrizio Banz



Sustainable Swiss wheat for buns and small breads

New collaboration with Volg

New collaboration with Volg

Fortisa is proud and happy about this new partnership.

Partnerschaft Murpf-Fortisa

Aus dem ganz gewöhnlichen Alltag des Fortisa-Murpf-Universums

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Fritz Gerber is a trained electrician and is a strong support to our maintenance team for now 8 years. Thanks to proven expertise, agility and a talent for improvisation, Fritz Gerber makes an important contribution to the reliability of our production round around the clock. Thank you Fritz for your commitment.

Research project

Research project

Fortisa’s research for natural, durable and innovative small breads.

In a multi-year project in cooperation with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Diosna GmbH and Innosuisse - the Swiss Innovation Agency, innovative ways are being studied for a natural preservation, sugar reduction and improved baking properties of small baked goods.300 lactic acid bacteria were isolated from grain-based foods, identified and checked for their functional properties. Lactic acid bacteria with proven functional properties are used as starter cultures in sourdough fermentations and integrated in in baking tests in the laboratory and on Fortisa’s production line.The research work is carried out under the direction of #Susanne Miescher Schwenninger and as part of the doctoral thesis by #Denise Müller (in the picture). More information on the project's progress will follow.


Legend for picture (from left to right): Denise Müller screening lactic acid bacteria, sourdough production in the laboratory using functional microorganisms, pilot production at Fortisa, first line test with functional sourdough.

The new star in the Fortisa universe

The new star in the Fortisa universe

It is golden brown, higher than the standard and stands out for its unique shine. The beautiful new Bun with fine buttery taste: the Brioche Alto! More about it in our product catalog.
